I made this horse for Tom's cousin for her birthday. She loves horses and from the day we moved to Charlotte has been so generous and kind to our family. It is only a small token of all of our appreciation for all she does.
For those who are curious, I started with a very spare wire armature and tacked a basic shape with simple white wool roving. I then covered it with the colored roving and felted it tighter and tighter, adding bits as I needed to form the shape- much like sculpting with clay. I used beautiful wool yarn to cover the lower legs and form the curlicues on the body. Finally, I strung glass beads on a couple of threads and sewed them into the mane and tail, which was made of unfelted roving. The color, curlicues and beads gave it a magical sort of look, and I dubbed it Diana's wishing horse. I hope it brings her good luck.